We are changing how you receive PayPal payments on busk.co.

The old system — Adaptive Payments

Our platform, busk.co, currently uses an older integration of PayPal called “Adaptive Payments” (AP). Put simply, AP was PayPal’s way of giving service platforms, like busk.co, the ability to split payments, like we do with Stripe.

Here’s how that looks:



The problem is that Adaptive Payments is an old system. PayPal even stopped updating its security, meaning it’s time for us to move on.

The new system — PayPal.me

The good news is that the new system, PayPal.me, is faster than AP. In other words, it’s easier for people to tip on PayPal.me than it ever was with Adaptive Payments — meaning you should earn more money this way.

The bad news is that tips you receive with PayPal will no longer appear on your busk.co dashboard. We will receive no information about your PayPal.me tips.

Here’s how that looks:



The Old/New Systems Compared

Here’s a simple chart showing the differences between the two systems:

The benefits of busk.co

Unfortunately, as we won’t know if your PayPal.me tips were successful, we won’t be able to reward PayPal tips with “points”, nor turn your PayPal tippers into “fans” on your busk.co profile.

However, we still give you the ability (on busk.co/settings/tips) to a) change your currency as you travel around the world, and b) change the ‘default’ tip that people see on your busk.co profile, which is hugely useful as you perform in different places.

Here’s how that will work with PayPal.me:


Once we have made the switch, you will have to first create a PayPal.me link on the PayPal website (instructions on how to do that here), and then input that into your busk.co tips dashboard.

However, due to the nature of our new set up, you will only be able to enter a PayPal.me link on your busk.co profile if you first connect your account to Stripe.

This means that a small number of you (those of you who only have PayPal connected to your busk.co account) will no longer be able to get tipped until you’ve connected your account to Stripe.

We’re sorry about that, but it’s really worth connecting your account to Stripe. Here’s a comparison between using busk.co with Stripe AND PayPal.me, VS using just a PayPal.me account:



If you have any questions, please comment below.

