Before you jump into creating your Stripe account, take a moment to scroll down and check out our recommendations for the settings you should choose based on your country.

It’s very important to get this information right because Stripe might block your account if they find any inconsistencies in your information. It can be annoying, but it’s all part of keeping Stripe a safe and secure platform.

Before we start...

You’ll have to connect to Stripe on your dashboard. To do this, log in to your account and navigate to your settings—the small cog/gear located at the top right corner of the screen.

Scroll down a bit and click on ‘connect Stripe’, which will take you to the Stripe website, where you’ll have the option to either create a new Stripe account or log in if you already have one.

The next step will be to activate your payments, and this is where it gets tricky! Click your flag/country to view your instructions.

NOTE: Below are instructions if you do NOT have a Stripe account. If you do have one, just log in to Stripe and connect that way.

  1. Choose Australia as your business location, and ‘individual / sole trader’ as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘company’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, and phone number.
  3. Now, specify your website. If you don’t have a website, we recommend that you use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  4. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply enter your bank service branch code, and your bank account number.
  5. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose Canada as your business location, and ‘individual / sole proprietorship’ as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘company / entreprise’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, and home address.
  3. Now, specify your website. If you don’t have a website, we recommend that you use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  4. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply provide the transit number of your bank, your currency, institution number, and bank account number.
  5. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose the UK as your business location, and ‘individual / sole trader’ as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘company’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, and phone number.
  3. You also have the option to include your VAT number—considering that you’re registering as an individual/sole trader, you don’t need to include this information.
  4. Now, specify your website. If you don’t have a website, we recommend that you use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  5. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply enter your bank’s currency, the country of your bank account, its sort code, and your bank account number.
  6. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose the United States as your business location, and ‘individual’ as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘company’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, phone number, and the last 4 digits of your social security number.
  3. Now, specify your website. If you don’t have a website, we recommend that you use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  4. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply choose your bank from the provided list, enter your bank’s routing number (usually found at the bottom left of your checks), and your bank account number.
  5. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number and an address in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose the Czech Republic as your business location, and ‘osoba samostatně výdělečně činná as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘společnost’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, and phone number.
  3. Now, specify your DIČ, and your website. If you don’t have a website, you can use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  4. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply select a currency, and provide your bank’s IBAN.Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose Denmark as your business location, and ‘enkeltperson / enkeltmandsvirksomhed as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘virksomhed’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, and phone number.
  3. You also have the option to include your Central Business Register (CVR)—considering that you’re registering as an individual/sole trader, you don’t need to include this information.
  4. Now, specify your website. If you don’t have a website, we recommend that you use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  5. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply select a currency, and provide your bank’s IBAN.
  6. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose France as your business location, and ‘particulier / micro-entrepreneur / auto-entrepreneur as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘société’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, and phone number.
  3. Now, specify your n° TVA, and your website. If you don’t have a website, you can use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  4. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply select the currency and the country of your bank account, and provide your bank’s IBAN.
  5. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose Germany as your business location, and ‘Eingetragener Kaufmann/Kauffrau (e.K.) / Kleingewerbetreibender / Freiberufler as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘Kapitalgesellschaft’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, and phone number.
  3. You also have the option to include your VAT number—considering that you’re registering as an individual/sole trader, you don’t need to include this information.
  4. Now, specify your website. If you don’t have a website, we recommend that you use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  5. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply select a currency and the country of your bank account, and provide your bank’s IBAN.
  6. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose Hong Kong as your business location, and ‘individual as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘company’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, phone number, and your Hong Kong ID number.
  3. Now, specify your website. If you don’t have a website, we recommend that you use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  4. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply provide the account holder’s name and account number, and select your bank and branch from a list.
  5. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose Ireland as your business location, and ‘Individual / sole trader as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘company’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, and phone number.
  3. You also have the option to include your VAT number—considering that you’re registering as an individual/sole trader, you don’t need to include this information. 
  4. Now, specify your website. If you don’t have a website, we recommend that you use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  5. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply select the currency and the country of your bank account, and provide your bank’s IBAN.
  6. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose Italy as your business location, and ‘Personale / Impresa individuale as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘azienda’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, and phone number.
  3. You also have the option to include your VAT number or fiscal code (codice fiscale)—considering that you’re registering as an individual/sole trader, you don’t need to include this information.
  4. Now, specify your website. If you don’t have a website, we recommend that you use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  5. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply select a currency and the country of your bank account, and provide your bank’s IBAN.
  6. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose Japan as your business location, and ‘個人事業主 as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘法人’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name both in English and kana, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, and phone number.
  3. Now, specify your website. If you don’t have a website, we recommend that you use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  4. You will have to answer a few questions concerning Japan’s Revised Installment Sales Act. These are yes/no questions to which you will most likely answer ‘no’.
  5. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply provide the account holder’s name in katakana, your bank name, branch and account number.
  6. Finally, provide a statement descriptor in kanji, kana and romaji – this is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’ in kanji, kana and romaji. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose the Netherlands as your business location, and ‘natuurlijke persoon as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘bedrijf’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, and phone number.
  3. Now, specify your BTW-nummer, and your website. If you don’t have a website, you can use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  4. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply select the currency and the country of your bank account, and provide your bank’s IBAN.
  5. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose New Zealand as your business location, and ‘individual or sole trader as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, , so you can select ‘no’. However, if you do have this number, select ‘yes’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a business, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, and phone number.
  3. Now, specify your website. If you don’t have a website, you can use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  4. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply select the currency and the country of your bank account, and provide your bank’s IBAN.
  5. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose Norway as your business location, and ‘person / enkeltpersonforetak as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘selskap’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, and phone number.
  3. You also have the option to include your VAT number—considering that you’re registering as an individual/sole trader, you don’t need to include this information. 
  4. Now, specify your website. If you don’t have a website, we recommend that you use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  5. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply select a currency, and provide your bank’s IBAN.
  6. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose Poland as your business location, and ‘Sole Proprietor (Osoba fizyczna) as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘firma’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, and phone number.
  3. Now, specify your Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej (NIP), and your website. If you don’t have a website, you can use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  4. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply select a currency, and provide your bank’s IBAN.
  5. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose Portugal as your business location, and ‘individuo/emprésario em nome individual/sociedade unipessoal por quotas as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘empresa’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, and phone number.
  3. Now, specify your Número de identificação fiscal / Número de identificação de pessoa colectiva, and your website. If you don’t have a website, you can use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  4. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply select the currency and the country of your bank account, and provide your bank’s IBAN.
  5. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose Singapore as your business location. Stripe will then ask you if you have a Unique Entity Number (UEN)—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, so you can select ‘I do not have a UEN’, and ‘individual as your type of business. However, if you do have a UEN, select ‘I have a UEN’ and enter the number. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, your aliases (if you have any), a valid email address, your nationality, date of birth, home address, phone number, and NRIC or FIN. You can fill in all of these fields using Myinfo.
  3. Now, specify your website. If you don’t have a website, we recommend that you use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  4. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply select your bank and branch from the list, and provide your account number.
  5. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose Spain as your business location, and ‘Empresario individual (autónomo) as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘empresa’. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a company, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, and phone number.
  3. Now, specify your fiscal code (número de identificación fiscal), and your website. If you don’t have a website, we recommend that you use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  4. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply select a currency and the country of your bank account, and provide your bank’s IBAN.
  5. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose Sweden as your business location, and ‘privatperson/enskild firma as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘Företag’, and then select your business structure. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a business, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, and phone number.
  3. Now, specify your Momsnr., and your website. If you don’t have a website, you can use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  4. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply select a currency, and provide your bank’s IBAN.
  5. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.
  1. Choose Switzerland as your business location, and ‘Einzelunternehmen/enterprise individuelle/ditta individuale as your type of business—we’re assuming that you are NOT busking as a registered business, but if you are, choose ‘Unternehmen / Societé / Azienda’, and then select your business structure. Just a heads up though, if you’re registered as a business, Stripe may require some additional information, like your business ID and tax reports.
  2. For identity verification, you’ll have to provide some personal information, including your legal name as registered in your ID, a valid email address, your date of birth, home address, and phone number.
  3. You also have the option to include your VAT number—considering that you’re registering as an individual/sole trader, you don’t need to include this information. 
  4. Now, specify your website. If you don’t have a website, we recommend that you use your profile, for example, In the product description, provide a brief description of the service you offer. You can simply type “I am a street performer”.
  5. Next you’ll be able to connect your Stripe account to your bank account so that Stripe is able to transfer your tips there. Simply provide the account holder’s name, select a currency, the country of your bank account, and your bank’s IBAN.
  6. Finally, provide a statement descriptor, which is what customers will see on their credit card statements when they tip you. We recommend using your artistic name for this. As a shortened descriptor, you can simply write ‘tip’, or something similar. Additionally, include a phone number in case customers want to contact you for support or inquiries.

Once you have completed these steps, your account setup will be finalized and you will be taken back to your profile.