We’ve just added a couple of features that are available with a PRO+ subscription. These give you the ability to:
• personalise the pre-tip and post-tip messages your tippers will see,
• and add your social media links post-tip.
To use these new features, upgrade your profile to a PRO+ account, then navigate to your ‘tips settings’ page (busk.co/settings/tips).
Below is a detailed explanation of these new features.
Personalise the message on your Tip Page
• Tippers will see this before tipping you.
• The default is “Thanks for your support!”
• If you change it, keep it engaging and short.
• Remember, you are trying to get tipped! Try not to distract from that 🙂

Personalise your ‘Thank You’ Message
• Tippers will see this after tipping you.
• The default is “Thank you for your tip!”
• Change it to whatever you like 🙂
NOTE: If you want to see what your thank you page will look like, click “Preview”

Add social media links to your Thank You page
• You can also display social media links (a bit like Linktree).
• Choose them by using the toggle button next to it:

If the link is grey:
• This means that you haven’t added this link to your profile yet.
• You can add that link by going to your PROFILE settings (busk.co/settings/info)
• Add the link there, then go back to your TIPS settings (busk.co/settings/tips)
• Toggle the button to display it on your thank you page.

We hope you enjoy these features and all the other benefits that come with a PRO+ account!
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to email us at info@busk.co