I chanced upon the work of David Cohen—a drummer/percussionist and cartoonist for the Asheville (NC) Citizen-Times—when he started making cartoons about the Asheville Buskers Collective’s fight against local restrictions. This was one of the cartoons in his back catalogue, and it’s hilarious.
The artist, David Cohen, is a drummer/percussionist and cartoonist for the Asheville (NC) Citizen-Times. He first started making cartoons about street performance after the Asheville Buskers Collective started fighting against local restrictions. You can find David here. If you like it, he’s available for commissioned works. 50% of the sales of this cartoon will go to David.
NOTE: When you buy this poster you’ll get both a JPG and PDF download, for printing and/or digital viewing. They are sold on an Attribution-NonCommercial license. You can print and display them, but not sell them, and we must be attributed if you display/share them online. Of course, we’d also appreciate a link to our shop 🙂
JPG: 2800 x 2175 px
PDF: 35.1 MB