Hi everyone,

A couple of weeks ago Mackie got in touch to tell us about their latest amp for street performers, the Mackie Showbox. I asked whether we could have a few to give away, and they said yes!

So, we are giving away one amp to buskers in each of Mackie’s main target markets: the USA, UK and Australia.

You just have to sign up for a premium account on busk.co to enter. There’s also a free way to enter (see below)).

Winners will be announced at the beginning of January.

Upgrade your account here: busk.co/pro




How to enter

To win, all you need to do is:

• Either have a premium account on our website when we do the prize draw (at the end of December)

• Or, post a photo to Instagram of Facebook of you performing with your busk.co sign displayed and tag us (@buskingproject)

• Entrants must be in either the USA, the UK or Australia.

That’s it. If you win, you’ll have to give us your location to send your amp.


The Prize: Mackie Showbox amplifier

Still unsure?

I’ve made what I’d describe as a ‘maths-heavy, fun-poor’ analysis of whether this competition is even worth entering, given the payout and the odds.

The result is a resounding ‘yes’, according to statisticians. You can read it here.

See the product specifications for the Mackie Showbox here.