Watch Becoming WackyChad a hilarious and heartwarming journey of perseverance and backflips.
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Syracuse stunt comedian Chadd Deitz, known colloquially, and globally, as “WackyChad” for his famous high flying pogo tricks and hilarious antics, is the star of a new biographical documentary by filmmaker and brother Isaac Deitz. Becoming WackyChad makes its debut at the Syracuse International Film Festival this October.
Becoming WackyChad chronicles Chadd’s 20+ year journey becoming a street performer, stunt comedian and pogo legend. In just a few months, the film has received considerable attention, including: ‘Best International Documentary’ at the Toronto Independent Film Festival of Cift, ‘Best Documentary Feature’ at the WILDsound FEEDBACK Film and Screenplay Festival, ‘Honorable Mention Winner’ at the LA Film Awards and ‘Finalist’ at NYC Oniros Film Festival. Chadd and Isaac are most excited about Becoming WackyChad being an ‘Official Selection’ at the Syracuse International Film Festival, right in their hometown.
Prepare to be mesmerized by visionary filmmaker Isaac Deitz, as he captures the essence of WackyChad. For as long as he can remember, Isaac has been obsessed with using cameras to tell stories. The Syracuse International Film Festival is especially significant for Isaac because at age 17, it was both the first film festival he attended and the first year the festival was held. To be returning to SIFF as a featured director is a dream come true. Isaac has written and directed two feature films, including Becoming WackyChad, and also directed nationally televised documentaries, and written and directed music videos for Grammy winning musicians.
The brothers spent 22 years living, learning and loving in Syracuse. They both moved from the area to explore different chapters of their lives, but always find a reason to come back to support the arts and entertainment in Central New York. From film festivals to busker festivals the Deitz brothers are becoming more and more influential in the arts.